Call 833-951-0296
Request an enrollment packet from Dr. Amandla Shabaka-Haynes.
Complete and return the packet to Dr. Shabaka-Haynes.
You have access to Free Practice-level trainings or our on-demand library of trainings on this site.
Enjoy Free access to the Psychiatry Consultation Line and Community Resources to fit the specific needs of your patients.
For more resources, you can register or log in to our Provider Portal on the BH IMPACT website. Click here to visit the page.
These courses are for obstetric, pediatric, and behavioral health providers who have enrolled in the Florida BH IMPACT program. These courses may also be accessed through a request to the Florida BH IMPACT call line:
Florida BH IMPACT is available to provide a live practice level trainings on a topic of your choosing for any provider in Florida. Please call to request.
A Resource and Referral specialist will answer the providers call, gather pertinent information and help determine the need for a telephone consultation with a FL BH IMPACT psychiatrist. If the request requires consultation with a FL BH IMPACT Psychiatrist, the resource and referral specialist will send a contact request to the Psychiatrist. The FL BH IMPACT Psychiatrist will return the call within the same day or sooner whenever possible to speak with the provider who requested the consultation.
If a provider-to-provider psychiatric consultation is not needed, our resource and referral specialist is happy to help you with any additional needs to assist providers or help seekers.
Funded by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and the Florida Department of Health.
This website is not meant to diagnose or prescribe treatment nor is it monitored 24/7 by healthcare professionals. If you feel that you need help managing your emotional stress and mental health, please contact your healthcare provider for additional assistance. If this is a medical or psychiatric emergency, please contact emergency services by dialing 9-1-1 on your phone.
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