Depression has an effect on all parts of your life, including your energy level and interest in things.

Although you may feel tired and unmotivated to do things, sometimes engaging in pleasant activities can make you feel rejuvenated and better about the world around you!

Here are some suggestions for pleasant activities that may help you feel a little better.

  • Exercise

  • Yoga / Stretch

  • Rearrange my room or house

  • Taking a walk

  • Go for a bike ride

  • Be outdoors

  • See beautiful scenery

  • Do volunteer work

  • Sending a card to someone who is sick

  • Making food or crafts to give to a friend

  • Planting flowers or buying a potted plant

  • Help someone

  • Petting/walking/grooming your cat or dog

  • Care for a houseplant

  • Volunteering to help with an event or service activity

  • Take a long bath or shower

  • Watch TV

  • Eat a good meal

  • Wear clothes you like

  • Listen to music

  • Listen to birds sing

  • Sing

  • Listen to the radio

  • Listen to sounds of nature

  • Go to the library

  • Write letters

  • Keeping a journal

  • Read the newspaper

  • Write stories or poetry

  • Read books or magazines

  • Read something inspiring

  • Reading through old letters or journals

  • Do crossword puzzles

  • Say prayers

  • Sit in the sun

  • Have peace and quiet

  • 5 minute meditation

  • Daydream

  • Watch a sunset

  • Watch people

  • Look at clouds

  • Looking at old photograph

  • Keep a clean house

  • Solve a personal problem

  • Do outdoor work

  • Cook a good meal

  • Get haircut/hair done

  • Go to a park, fair, or zoo

  • Go to a garage sale

  • Play a video game

  • Do artwork or crafts

  • Collect things

  • Play cards or chess

  • Go to a movie or play

  • Going on an outing to the park, an event, etc.

  • Going to a museum or exhibit

  • Doing a job well

  • Learning to do something new

  • Compliment/praise someone

  • Talk about sports/current events

  • Notice the good things that happen to family or friends

  • Spend time with friends

  • Reminisce, talk about old times

  • Talk on the telephone

  • Spend time with family

  • Show an interest in what others say

  • Planning or organizing something

  • Having friends come to visit

  • Call an old friend

  • Go to a meeting

  • Make a new friend

  • Go to a church function

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